Friday, February 22, 2008

ACCESS Group Meeting - February

The ACCESS annual meeting is to be held on 21 February at SKM. Details are as follows:

Date: 21 February
Time: 12.30pm
Where: Sinclair Knight Merz, Level 8, 369 Ann Street

SKM will provide drinks but please bring along your lunch.

Please RSVP to me by the 19 February.


Sandra said...

This is a wonderful initiative - thank-you!!!!! It's so hard to take a day out of the work schedule to get to Brisbane for a function so this blog will be fantastic tool to help regional folk keep in touch with engineering librarians in The Big Smoke & with other regional librarians.

May we have an RSS feed on the blog please?

Sandra (USQ Library)

Loretta Atkinson said...

Thanks Sandra. I hope everyone starts using it. There are still some teething problems but we'll see how we go.
You can use RSS feeds - just click on the Posts (Atom) link.

Jocelyne said...


I am glad it helps. Great comment.



Unknown said...

As Sandra has mentioned this is a great opportunity for communication amongst us engineering librarians!