2008 ACCESS Christmas Lunch
Where: Zen Bar
Park Level
Post Office Square
215 Adelaide St
Time: 12pm
Date: Thursday 27th November
RSVP: 24th November with meal selection, desserts do not need to be pre-ordered
ACCESS (Architects Construction and Consulting Engineers Specialist Services) is a liaison group of special libraries servicing the information needs of architects, planners, engineers and related professions.
2008 ACCESS Christmas Lunch
Where: Zen Bar
Park Level
Post Office Square
215 Adelaide St
Time: 12pm
Date: Thursday 27th November
RSVP: 24th November with meal selection, desserts do not need to be pre-ordered
The next ACCESS meeting will be held on Wednesday 1 October, 12pm-2pm. Melissa Porritt has kindly offered to host the meeting at Sinclair Knight Mertz.
Street address:
32 Cordelia Street
South Brisbane QLD 4101
Those attending the meeting are asked to meet on the ground floor.
Melissa will be showing the group around her new premises and we will be discussing the future of the ACCESS Group. Lunch will be provided.
Please RSVP to Loretta Atkinson if you would like to attend by the 29 September. Also please let me know if there is anything you would like to discuss at the meeting.
ScientificCommons identifies authors from all archives and makes their social and professional relationships transparent and visible to anyone across disciplinary, institutional and technological boundaries.
Currently ScientificCommons has indexed about 13 million scientific publications and successfully extracted 6 million authors' names out of this data.
Search by organisation:
You may want to check out sites of other interest groups:
E-group for Engineering College Librarians
EngLib for the Scitech Librarian
Science and Engineering Academic Librarians
Ontario Engineering Librarians’ Interest Group
The free scientific search engine Scirus provides access to websites, journals and other document sources in science, technology and the medical disciplines. Scirus filters non-scientific information. Search results are presented under three tabs ‘Journal sources’ ‘Preferred Web sources’ and ‘Other Web sources’. The ‘Advanced Search’ page provides a list of the ‘Journal sources’ and ‘Preferred Web sources’ indexed by Scirus.
Scirus was developed by Elsevier and is linked from the Compendex and Inspec databases on the Engineering Village platform. A full review of Scirus is available from the online journal Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, Winter 2007.